
From the Sloodle website  SLOODLE (Simulation Linked Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is an Open Source project which integrates the multi-user virtual environment of Second Life® with the Moodle® learning-management system.

I'm interested in using Sloodle  to deliver online process improvement training and simulation.  I've taken a number of online training courses using Moodle and it's a robust and well established tool for delivering online learning.  Combining Moodle with Second Life looks like a great opportunity to provide effective online training.

When I have the time, I'll be investigating this and updating the blog with my progress.

more on WOMBATs

The Mighty WOMBAT: A Simple Approach to Finding Muda at

WOMBATS cab be institutional/systemic or accidental.  The institutional WOMBATS inhabit the area under the normal distribution curve.  These are within the normal variation of process - the "this is how we've always done it' territory.  To the left and right of the normal distribution curve, are the accidental or extreme WOMBATS.  These are the ones that are exceptionally bad or exceptionally good ways of working.   The bad ones require quick elimination, while the good ones need capturing, understanding and interaction with those under the normal distribution curve.